Glad Tidings Hour Video
Yvonne's story of Gypsy Rodney Smith with Gypsy Smith singing, “In Loving kindness Jesus came”.
19th February 2023.
Yvonne's story of Ira D Sankey with “There Were Ninety and Nine” (Ira D Sankey).
12th February 2023.
Yvonne's story of Samuel Logan Brengle with “Send the Fire” (Mildred Rainey).
5th February 2023.
Yvonne's story of Haldor Lillenas with “Glorious Freedom” (Stewart Family), “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” (Whitefield Choir) & “My Wonderful Lord” (Mildred Rainey).
29th January 2023.
Yvonne interviews Mildred Rainey.
22nd January 2023.
Yvonne’s Story of the Bagster Family (Daily Light) with “How Firm a Foundation (Mildred Rainey) & “Break Thou the Bread of Life” (Acapeldridge)
15th January 2023.
Yvonne's story of W.P.Nicholson with “The Old Fashioned meeting.” (Victor Hutchinson).
8th January 2023.
Yvonne's story of C H Spurgeon with “Psalm 84” (Andrew Agnew).
1st January 2023.
Yvonne's story with “Another Year is Dawning” (Mildred Rainey) & “Take My Life and Let it be” (Carolyn Harrison).
18th December 2022.
Yvonne's story of Mrs C F Alexander with “Once in Royal David’s City” (Hannah Stewart) and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” (Accapeldridge).
11th December 2022.
Yvonne's story of "I love to tell the story".
4th December 2022.
Yvonne interviews Eileen McLellan.